Welch interessantes Projekt, aber lest selbst:
What can rap lyrics teach us about our culture? Tahir Hemphill, a lifelong hip-hop enthusiast, has spent the past four years compiling an “ethnographic database” of hip-hop lyrics to answer that question. Comprising more than 40,000 songs spanning from 1979 to present day, Hemphill’s exhaustive archive makes up the project Hip-Hop Word Count, a searchable rap resource that analyzes lyrics and assigns various metadata to them, such as time, geographic location, word count, syllable count, and readability.
Da hat sich jemand die Mühe gemacht und 40.000 Lieder in einer Datenbank geladen, danach einige nette Funktionen drumherum programmiert. Die Ergebnisse sind mehr als interessant, weiterhin auch nett anzusehen. Anbei das kurze Intro-Video, hier der Link.
Enjoy. Spread the word.
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