Video: The Double – Jeff Browning – Western States 100 and Hardrock 100
Great video about Jeff Browning hitting “the double”. Amazing views, great runs. Enjoy.
Link: Notizbücher hat einen tollen Artikel für alle Liebhaber von Notizbüchern verfasst. Es geht um Notizbücher, die auf ihre Art und Weise besonders sind: nachhaltig hergestellt, Steinpapier, Design, etc. Enjoy. Kop …
Video: Joe Smith on “Hot to use a paper towel”
This is too important to not to be shared. Watch Joe Smith explain it to all of us in 4:30 minutes. Enjoy. Kop ***
Pics: Beijing sky views
Some pictures taken from our window on the 14th floor in West-Beijing. Enjoy. Kop ***
Video: The happy secret to better work / by Shawn Achor
Very interesting and inspiring TED talk by Shawn Achor. We believe we should work hard in order to be happy, but could we be thinking about things backwards? In this …
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Pics: Flavor in China
Some impressions about Lay’s crisps in China. Italian Red Meat Flavor: The famous “Mexican Tomato Chicken Flavor”, since Tomato only goes with Chicken. And my favorite, “Cucumber”, since watery flavor …
Article: “It’s Official: To Protect Baby’s Brain, Turn Off TV”
A decade ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggested that parents limit TV consumption by children under two years of age. The recommendations were based as much on common sense …
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